The world beyond the forest has fallen into chaos, ravaged by a deadly virus that has swept across the globe. Entire cities lie in ruins, abandoned and forgotten, as the once-thriving human civilization crumbles. Amidst this devastation, young Marko finds himself on the brink of losing everything he has ever known. His peaceful life, nestled in the heart of the forest, is about to be shattered as he faces an uncertain future. With no choice but to leave the safety of his home, Marko embarks on a harrowing journey through a world that is no longer recognizable.
As he ventures through this post-apocalyptic landscape, he encounters a world cloaked in an eerie silence, where the cries of the living have been replaced by the haunting growls of the Infected—those who have succumbed to the virus and now roam the earth in a mindless frenzy. Worse still, the remnants of humanity are torn apart by internal strife and conflict, battling not only the plague but also each other in a desperate fight for survival. Marko must navigate this dangerous and hostile world, where trust is scarce, and every step could be his last. The journey ahead is fraught with peril, but it is one that Marko must undertake if he hopes to find a sliver of hope in a world that seems to have lost it entirely.