In the upcoming sci-fi disaster film "Patient Zero," former "Doctor Who" star Matt Smith and "Game of Thrones" actress Natalie Dormer are set to co-star. The movie revolves around a powerful virus that ravages the Earth, giving rise to a new species with violent tendencies. A human survivor immune to the virus discovers the ability to communicate with these mutated individuals. To save his infected wife, he embarks on a mission to locate the "Patient Zero" in search of a cure.
Directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky, known for the Oscar-winning foreign language film "The Counterfeiters," and produced by Vincent Newman of the comedy "The Family Fang," this film promises an intriguing narrative that blends elements of science fiction and human drama. The collaboration of talented actors and filmmakers suggests a compelling and visually captivating cinematic experience for audiences eagerly anticipating the release of "Patient Zero."